Sir Charlie Costume

Behold! all you would-be bold, brave Knights. Here’s how to make your own Sir Charlie Stinky Socks costume.

You will need

  • A long sleeved grey T shirt (2 if you want your chainmail to be long)
  • A blue short sleeved T shirt
  • A belt
  • A pair of wellies
  • Stripy socks
  • White coloured pencil or chalk
  • Fine black marker pen
  • Paint brushes
  • Gold fabric paint or acrylic paint
  • Brown acrylic paints
  • A cardboard box
  • Tinfoil
  • Glue
  • Scissors


a belt


stripy socks

glue, paint brush, marker pen, scissors

tin foil and cardboard

How to make your chainmail to protect you from fire breathing dragons

Use your black marker pen to draw lots of looping lines along the sleeves and bottom of the grey T shirt.

Remember! If you want to make the chainmail longer, you will need to add the bottom of a second grey T shirt to the first one.

Time for the tunic

Using a white crayon or piece of chalk, draw out some swirly patterns on the blue T shirt. You can print out Sir Charlie’s tunic pattern, if you want a guide. Click the image below to open it in a new window where you can print it.

Or you can make up your own shapes and patterns. Every knight has his own style, so it doesn’t matter what your pattern looks like.

Click this image and print it to use it as a guide

Next use the gold paint to fill in your swirly shapes. You might need two layers to make it really shiny.

Boots for a knight

Paint your wellies with some brown acrylic paint. But remember a good knight always asks permission. So make sure no one minds if you paint your wellies.

While all the paints are drying you can make your trusty sword.

Sir Charlie’s trusty Sword

Find an old cardboard box – the corrugated kind is the best for this. It’s a good idea to cut out one full sword shape as your base – you can use the full template as your guide.

Click this image to open it in a new window where you can print it

Then you can use the handle part of the template to make extra pieces to strengthen your hilt. That’s what the handle of a sword is called.

Finally, wrap some tin foil around the blade of your sword. And ta dah! You are ready for adventure. Well, almost…

Now you are ready for a Really BIG Adventure. Have fun!